Monday, September 25, 2006

This is soooooo much fun! Tag you're it!!!!

Diesel and Sassy

Here's Diesel and Sassy taking time out to relax (yeah right.)

Diesel will be a proud Daddy soon!!!!!!!!

It seems like just yesterday that little Diesel was a pup himself but as you can see he is all grown up. He is now living in Hauser with his sweetheart, Sassy, and Jennifer tells me that Diesel and Sassy will have puppies soon. They should be born in October and ready to go to their new homes by Christmas....... ooooooh Christmas puppies! I would love to wake up to one in my Christmas stocking. There is just something about puppy breath and puppy squeals.

I am posting a couple of pics of Diesel and Sassy and a second one of the dogs chasing a moose.
Yes, I did say moose. Jennifer says they have a lot of them come into the yard this time of year.
Diesel was playing tug of war with one in the wee hours of the morning. He still thinks he is a pup and will play with anyone willing. I hear the moose was NOT so willing, but it didn't seem to bother Diesel. He continued to play tug of war with him anyway. I am banking the moose won at tug-o-war, but Jennifer never said.

Anyone interested in a husky pup from Diesel's litter can send an email.

As always, thanks for your interest in Windtalker's Siberians.